In season six of the British espionage thriller, the team are pushed to their limits, as the relationship between British and American security deteriorates and loyalties change. Adam and Ros fight against an emerging terrorist threat, and a deadly virus that could decimate London. This season breaks away from the case-by-case episodic format, with one dominant storyline tying all the action together.
军情五处第六季美剧全集在线观看免费、手机在线播放mp4全集和迅雷下载地址,可用百度云盘网盘、吉吉影音、西瓜影音和QVOD快播等播放器在线观看完整版720p 1080p、BD、HD、中文版、粤语版、国语版、中字英语版以及bt种子高清下载。 2023-07-13 06:40:44